The following databases were tested for, with specifics noted below:
Many of Light Air features are implemented in a generic way and should work on other databases as well.
Data type | Database | Support |
SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT | Fully supported. | |
DECIMAL, NUMERIC | Fully supported. | |
NUMBER, FLOAT | Oracle | Fully supported. |
REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION | Fully supported. | |
BINARY_FLOAT, BINARY_DOUBLE | Oracle | Fully supported. |
VARCHAR | Fully supported. | |
TEXT, CITEXT | Postgres | Fully supported. |
VARCHAR2, NVARCHAR2 | Oracle | Fully supported. |
CHAR | H2 | @auto in Verify is not supported. H2 does not support proper CHAR data type. See this topic. |
Other | Fully supported. | |
NCHAR | Oracle | Fully supported. |
DATE, TIMESTAMP | Fully supported. Use ISO format 2020-12-31 and 2021-11-30T22:57:56.789. | |
TIME | Oracle | Does not exist. Use TIMESTAMP instead. |
Other | Fully supported. Use ISO format 23:59:58. | |
BOOLEAN | Oracle | Does not exist. Use NUMBER(1) and 0 and 1 instead of false and true. @auto is not supported. |
Other | Fully supported. Use true and false. | |
CLOB, BLOB, BINARY | H2, HSQL | Fully supported. Use Base64 encoding. |
CLOB, NCLOB | Oracle | Fully supported. Use plain text. |
BLOB, RAW | Oracle | Fully supported. Use Base64 encoding. |
BYTEA | Postgres | Fully supported. Use Base64 encoding. |
UUID | H2, HSQL, Postgres | Fully supported. Use standard textual representation a0eebc99-9c0b-4ef8-bb6d-6bb9bd380a11. |
ENUM | Postgres | Create cast as follows: create cast (varchar as my_enum_type) with inout as implicit; @auto is not supported. Postgres JDBC driver does not inform that the data type is ENUM, so Light Air has to treat it as VARCHAR. |
JSON, JSONB | Postgres | Fully supported. |
ARRAY | Postgres | 1-dimensional arrays of VARCHAR, TEXT, INTEGER and BIGINT are fully supported. Use comma , to separate array elements. Use @null token to indicate NULL array element. Empty string value represents empty array. |
H2 | 1-dimensional arrays are treated as if the base type was unlimited VARCHAR (Java String in fact), but otherwise are fully supported. |
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